Top "Height" questions

The property which determines the size of an object on the Y-axis.

UITextView height to change dynamically when typing / without using storyboards

I have this UITextView & I want it's height to change dynamically when the user is typing on it. I …

ios swift textview height programmatically
Can you use CSS calc() function to make the height of an element match its width? My attempt is not working

The calc() function is not working as I expected it to in my code. Instead of the height being calculated …

css height calc
Cross-Browser CSS solution for fixed, stretched to height background image

Possible Duplicate: Stretch and Scale CSS Background I am looking for a way to have a background with the following …

css background height fixed stretched
Owl carousel 100% height

I have a little problem with owl carousel 2, This is the old version of my site, …

javascript slider height owl-carousel owl-carousel-2
CSS: navigation bar to expand to the whole page height

Im not too great at CSS but hopefully someone on here can help. I have the following mockup. (i have …

css height mockups
Change the divider height of listview dynamically?

This question has been asked here a link Also I want to clarify the question I have 10 List Items in …

android listview dynamic height divider
Clearing a floated <li> correctly

i dialy deal with float: left; and the CSS-reset by Eric Meyer with class="clearfix". But there is one special …

height css-float w3c-validation
IE8 Body not taking 100% height

In my application I am having problem to cover completely a page of the browser window in IE8. The HTML: &…

html internet-explorer-8 height document-body
WPF StackPanel vertical Frame full height

I need to fill empty space with last element in stackpanel (Frame): <DockPanel> <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"> &…

wpf height frame stackpanel
How do I set the maximum length for a spinner's drop-down list?

I have a spinner which currently obscures some text below the spinner when opened. I need to limit the maximum …

android height spinner