Top "Owl-carousel-2" questions

Used for all questions relating to the Owl Carousel touch-enabled jQuery plugin version 2.

How to re-render a owl-carousel item?

Well, I'm using a owl-carousel-2 plugin now. And I encounter the following problem: The markup code: <div class="owl-carousel" …

jquery html css owl-carousel owl-carousel-2
Owl Carousel 2 - Get src of current slide

I have the following code blocks. All i'm trying to do is get the src of the current image in …

jquery owl-carousel-2
Refreshing Owl Carousel 2

I have 3 divs that activate slide toggle when I click on them. And inside every div there is owl carousel …

javascript jquery eventtrigger owl-carousel-2
Show part of next and previous items with Owl Carousel 2.0

I'm using Owl Carousel 2.0. I would like to show one item, a half (or less) of the previous item (left …

jquery css carousel owl-carousel owl-carousel-2
Full Width - Owl Carousel 2 issue

Attempting to create a full-width owl-carousel but I keep seeing this on .owl-stage when I inspect-element on chrome: { …

html css owl-carousel owl-carousel-2
How to reinitialize Owl Carousel after ajax call?

I am trying to reinitialize owl carousel after a successful ajax call. The ajax call will change the data but …

javascript jquery ajax owl-carousel owl-carousel-2
How do I add classes to items in Owl Carousel 2?

My goal is to make a carousel that looks like this: In case you don't know what you're looking at, …

jquery carousel owl-carousel owl-carousel-2
Owl Carousel 2 - autoHeight (multiple items)

At the moment the Owl Carousel autoHeight works only with 1 item on screen. Their plan is to calculate all visible …

javascript jquery height owl-carousel owl-carousel-2
Owl carousel 2 cloned item click events not firing

I'm currently using Owl Carousel 2.0.0-beta.2.4 in development to keep the carousel centered and loop the items which works nicely. …

jquery click dom-events owl-carousel owl-carousel-2
Owl Carousel on change not working

I can't seem to get the owl carousel onchange function to fire off. Here's a snippet of the relevant code, …

javascript jquery owl-carousel owl-carousel-2