Top "Hashmap" questions

A data structure that uses a hash function to map identifying values, known as keys, to their associated values

Working with dictionaries/lists in R

I have trivial question: I couldn't find a dictionary data structure in R, so I used list instead (like "word"…

r list hashmap lookup
Ruby: How to turn a hash into HTTP parameters?

That is pretty easy with a plain hash like {:a => "a", :b => "b"} which would translate into "a=…

ruby http parameters hashmap
Sorting hashmap based on keys

I have the following hashmap in java: {B046=0.0, A061=3.0, A071=0.0, B085=0.0, B075=3.0, B076=9.0, B086=3.0, B095=0.0, B096=0.0, A052=0.0, B066=0.0, B056=9.0, B065=0.0, …

java hashmap
What is the best way to convert an array to a hash in Ruby

In Ruby, given an array in one of the following forms... [apple, 1, banana, 2] [[apple, 1], [banana, 2]] ...what is the best way …

ruby arrays hashmap
Hashmap does not work with int, char

Possible Duplicate: Storing primitive values in a Java collection? In java when I use the following :- public HashMap<…

java hashmap
Remove Elements from a HashSet while Iterating

So, if I try to remove elements from a Java HashSet while iterating, I get a ConcurrentModificationException. What is the …

java iteration hashmap hashset
Efficient way to Handle ResultSet in Java

I'm using a ResultSet in Java, and am not sure how to properly close it. I'm considering using the ResultSet …

java hashmap resultset sqlresultsetmapping
Is a Java hashmap search really O(1)?

I've seen some interesting claims on SO re Java hashmaps and their O(1) lookup time. Can someone explain why this …

java hashmap big-o time-complexity
Sort Go map values by keys

When iterating through the returned map in the code, returned by the topic function, the keys are not appearing in …

go hashmap
java collections - keyset() vs entrySet() in map

I put a string array elements is a map where elements of string array is key and frequency of word …

java collections hashmap linkedhashmap keyset