Top "Sqlresultsetmapping" questions

Efficient way to Handle ResultSet in Java

I'm using a ResultSet in Java, and am not sure how to properly close it. I'm considering using the ResultSet …

java hashmap resultset sqlresultsetmapping
How to map the result set of a JPA NativeQuery to a POJO using SqlResultSetMapping

I am attempting to map the results of a Native query to a POJO using @SqlResultSetMapping with @ConstructorResult. Here is …

java hibernate jpa pojo sqlresultsetmapping
JPA Data Repositories with SqlResultSetMapping and native queries

I was stuck with the following situation: My entities are related to each other, but in such a way that …

java spring spring-data-jpa nativequery sqlresultsetmapping
@NamedNativeQuery with @SqlResultSetMapping for non-entity

I have been using this post as an example. I have a complex join query (simplified here). It returns a …

java jpa spring-data-jpa named-query sqlresultsetmapping
JPA mapping native query result to non entity DTO

I have a complex native query and I am trying to map its result to a non-entity DTO class. I …

java spring-boot jpa spring-data-jpa sqlresultsetmapping
SqlResultSetMapping columns as and entities

I am really confused, how does column resultset mapping work? What am I mapping when I use columns instead of …

java jpa entities sqlresultsetmapping
Reading from multiple tables and populating multiple entities using JPA SqlResultSetMapping

I have been building a JSF application using JPA to access the DB. There are a number of entities. I …

jpa entities sqlresultsetmapping