Top "Handler" questions

In the Observer pattern, an event handler is the function or method called on an observer listening for an event dispatched by the subject.

How handler classes work in Android

I am new to android and was reading the demo applications on official android website. And I came across a …

android handler
Does jQuery have a handleout for .delegate('hover')?

I am trying to use: $('mydiv').delegate('hover', function() { $('seconddiv').show(); }, function() { //For some reason jQuery won't run this line …

jquery delegates handler
IIS 7.5 Can't open Handler Mappings?

I need to update the handler mappings on IIS 7.5 to allow URLs that don't have extensions to be routed to … iis web-config handler iis-7.5
What's the postDelayed() uses in kotlin

As I know postDelayed() have two argument runnable and duration delay. What actually does below code in kotlin: Handler().postDelayed({ …

android kotlin handler
difference between Thread and Handler

Can somebody tell me the deference between Thread and Handler? When we use Thread and when we use Handler? I …

android multithreading handler
what is this "scheme don't have a registered handler" error?

I am working on a node app. i have an ejs file , where on clicking a button a get request …

node.js handler
Difference between r) and Activity.runOnUiThread(Runnable r)

Is there a difference between new r); and activity.runOnUiThread(Runnable r)

android handler ui-thread
Where do I create and use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor, TimerTask, or Handler?

I need to make my RSS Feed reader check the feed every 10 minutes for new posts, and then parse them …

android handler threadpool timertask scheduledexecutorservice
How to get an Android widget's size after layout is calculated?

I have a layout which specifies sizes of widgets in relative dimension, for example: <LinearLayout ... layout_height="fill_parent"&…

android layout handler android-linearlayout postdelayed
What is the difference between a Thread and a Handler

I'm trying to find out the difference between a thread and a handler. Does creating a new handler create a …

android multithreading handler