Top "Handler" questions

In the Observer pattern, an event handler is the function or method called on an observer listening for an event dispatched by the subject.

How to return a result through multiple activities

in some part of my application there is a structure of activities like this: Activity A is my home activity …

android android-activity android-intent handler
How to change/reset handler post delayed time?

I'm using postDelayed method of the Handler in order to perform an action after certain amount of time: private static …

android handler postdelayed
handler, I want to run periodically

Using handler wants to run periodically The count is 0, if the countis 1, else Please fix this code. mRunnable = new Runnable(){ @…

android handler ui-thread
onClick priority over addEventListener in javascript?

Right now, I have an event listener that listens to a click on the screen. There is also a button …

javascript onclick handler addeventlistener
The difference between Handler.dispatchMessage(msg) and Handler.sendMessage(msg)

When I use Handler.dispatchMessage(msg), the handleMessage(Message msg) will be run on new thread but when I use …

android handler
When to use HttpHandlers and HttpModules?

When exactly to use HttpHandlers and HttpModules? Can't I write that code in ASPX pages' code behind? module handler httphandler httpmodule
Check if Android handler has callbacks

I have some code which sets a timer, but if a user sets the timer while it is in use …

android handler runnable
Eclipse giving Error "Unhandled event loop exception" No more handles

I am getting this error after every 1-2 mins when i open the eclipse editor.I downloaded new eclipse still …

android eclipse handler eclipse-juno conflicting-libraries
Android: Issue using a handler and postDelayed()

I am trying to use a Handler to have some code execute in some amount of time. This works well …

android handler looper
java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()

I am using simple thread to execute the httpGet to server when a button is clicked, but I get this …

java android multithreading handler looper