Top "Handler" questions

In the Observer pattern, an event handler is the function or method called on an observer listening for an event dispatched by the subject.

How to manage Loopers and Threads (thread doesn't die anymore!)

I created a class extending Thread to retrieve user location through LocationManager in a non-ui thread. I implemented this as …

android multithreading handler looper
Android spinner close

I have an activity with a spinner, and I was wondering if it is possible to close the spinner programmatically, …

android view spinner handler
SSIS Dataflow script task error handling

I have a script task that is performing transformations in the middle of a SSIS dataflow. If the script fails (…

ssis scripting handler dataflow onerror
Handler to run task every 5 seconds Kotlin

I would like to run a certain code every 5 seconds. I am having trouble achieving this with a handler. How …

android kotlin handler runnable
How to update today widget in swift every x seconds

I try to update the content of my today widget extension every x seconds since I try to realize something …

ios swift handler ios8-today-widget today-extension
Best way to perform an action periodically [while an app is running] - Handler?

I'm trying to perform an action periodically. I want to create a new instance of a class after, say, ever 3 …

android multithreading handler
How to delete delayed messages before they arrive at a Handler?

My Problem is that I need to send messages with a delay of 1 second. The handler then initiates some action, …

android handler messages
Attempt to read from field 'android.view.View$ViewHolder.itemView'

I am trying to select recyclerview item randomly with delay.I need to start random selection method after fragment load …

android android-recyclerview fragment handler runnable
get main thread's message queue and handler

How do I get the message queue of the main thread from another thread? Looper.getMainLooper() gets the main thread's …

android message-queue handler looper
onBackPressed to kill a handler within an activity - Android

As you can see, I have this PlayLesson_01 activity which displays images and audio at the same time. This activity …

android handler android-activity