Top "Guava" questions

Google's Core Java Library for Java and Android development.

how to convert java Future<V> to guava ListenableFuture<V>

I need to find a way to convert from Future to ListenableFuture. Currently i'm using a service which returns Future …

java concurrency guava futuretask
Guava Ticker Cache expire

Google Guava tutorial said cache expiration can be tested with Ticker as my understanding, I can use it to force …

testing guava ticker
Guava MultiMap and ConcurrentModificationException

I don't understand why I get a ConcurrentModificationException when I iterate through this multimap. I read the following entry, but …

java concurrency guava multimap concurrentmodification
Detected Guava issue #1635 which indicates that a version of Guava less than 16.01 is in use

I am running spark job on emr and using datastax connector to connect to cassandra cluster. I am facing issues …

apache-spark guava datastax emr
Guava: Set<K> + Function<K,V> = Map<K,V>?

Is there an idiomatic way to take a Set<K> and a Function<K,V>, and …

java collections guava