Top "Guava" questions

Google's Core Java Library for Java and Android development.

ProGuard configuration for Guava with obfuscation and optimization

Looking for a ProGuard configuration for Guava that will obfuscate and optimize, as the default one that is provided on …

java android guava proguard
How does Guava expire entries in its CacheBuilder?

I want to use a CacheBuilder, as recommended here: Java time-based map/cache with expiring keys However I don't understand …

java caching collections map guava
Throttling method calls using Guava RateLimiter class

I am trying to throttle the number of calls to a method per second. I tried to achieve this using …

java guava throttling
Parse a string with key=value pair in a map?

I have below String which is in the format of key1=value1, key2=value2 which I need to load it …

java string split guava splitter
Gradle Transitive dependency exclusion is not working as expected. (How do I get rid of ?)

here is a snippet of my build.gradle: compile '' compile '…

java google-app-engine mapreduce gradle guava
ListenableFuture, FutureCallback and timeouts

Based on the examples of guava I've seen I've been looking for elegant solutions to my problem. Specifically, I like …

java guava
How to eliminate duplicates in Guava MultiMap values?

Code: Multimap<String, String> myMultimap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); myMultimap.put("12345", "qwer"); myMultimap.put("12345", "abcd"); myMultimap.put("12345", "qwer"); System.out.…

java collections guava multimap
how can I filter map entries based on set of entries

I'm using google guava 12 and have a map: Map<OccupancyType, BigDecimal> roomPrice; I have a Set: Set<…

java map set guava predicate
Guava r07, GWT and javax.annotation.Nullable

I'm trying to use Guava in a GWT project without success (a HashMultimap, to be precise). I get a never-ending …

gwt guava
Does Java 8 have cached support for suppliers?

The guava library has it's own Supplier which does not extend Java 8 Supplier. Also guava provides a cache for suppliers …

java java-8 guava