Top "Datastax" questions

DataStax Enterprise is big data platform consisting of open source tools such as Apache, Cassandra, Solr and Hadoop (and several others).

How to obtain number of rows in Cassandra table

This is a super basic question but it's actually been bugging me for days. Is there a good way to …

cassandra cassandra-2.0 datastax
What are the differences between a node, a cluster and a datacenter in a cassandra nosql database?

I am trying to duplicate data in a cassandra nosql database for a school project using datastax ops center. From …

cassandra cluster-computing datastax opscenter nosql
How can I find out which version of Cassandra a specific DSE is running?

So far, I haven't found a place on Datastax documentation website that sums this up. Can I easily check the …

datastax-enterprise datastax
Can't connect to cassandra node from different host

I have a cassandra node at a machine. When I access cqlsh from the same machne it works properly. But …

cassandra datastax cqlsh network-interface
Write timeout thrown by cassandra datastax driver

While doing a bulk load of data, incrementing counters based on log data, I am encountering a timeout exception. Im …

java cassandra datastax
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ch/qos/logback/core/joran/spi/JoranException while connecting Cassandra DB

I was trying out a simple connection to my Cassandra instance through Java. I made a 'demo' keyspace to cqlsh …

java cassandra datastax
Apache Cassandra vs Datastax Cassandra

Is Datastax Cassandra the only available Cassandra that can be used in a production environment? Is there any free alternatives …

cassandra datastax nosql
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException: unconfigured table schema_keyspaces

I am trying to configure spring data with cassandra. But I am getting bellow error , when my app is deploying …

java spring cassandra spring-data datastax
Datastax Cassandra Driver throwing CodecNotFoundException

The exact Exception is as follows com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.CodecNotFoundException: Codec not found for requested operation: [varchar <…

guava datastax cloudera-cdh datastax-java-driver spark-cassandra-connector
get Year from java.util.Date

I have a date column in a Cassandra column family. When I retrieve data from this CF using datastax java …

java cassandra deprecated datastax