Top "Googletest" questions

Google's C++ testing framework based on xUnit that runs on multiple platforms.

How to use googletest Failures into Break-Points

I recently discovered the Failures into Break-Points - option from googletest using the command line option gtest_break_on_failure …

c++ visual-studio unit-testing debugging googletest
Google Mock: multiple expectations on same function with different parameters

Consider the case where a certain mocked function is expected to be called several times, each time with a different …

googletest gmock googlemock
How to configure and setup google test framework in linux

I'm a newbie to g test and Here is what I am trying to do (On a Linux server from …

c++ linux googletest vs-unit-testing-framework
Googletest does not accept temporary object in EXPECT_THROW

I have a class that has no default constructor, but the constructor may throw. I was wanting to have a …

c++ g++ googletest
Google Mock: why NiceMock does not ignore unexpected calls?

I am using Google Mock 1.7.0 with Google Test 1.7.0. The problem is when I use NiceMock I get test failures because …

c++ unit-testing googletest googlemock
CMake Error: "add_subdirectory not given a binary directory"

I am trying to integrate Google Test into the subproject of bigger project and I cannot find the solution that …

c++ build cmake googletest
Is there a graphical test runner for "Google Test" ( gtest ) for windows?

Seems a great C++ unit testing framework. I'm just wanting something a bit more sophisticated than the console output for …

c++ googletest
Benchmarking with googletest?

Background (skip to Question below if not interested) I have a simulator that runs through three states: Single threaded startup (…

c++ benchmarking googletest
What is the difference between TEST, TEST_F and TEST_P?

I have researched a lot about gtest/gmock but none of them gave me the right answer. I new to …

googletest gmock
How to test an EXE with Google Test?

I have a C++ project in Visual Studio, and have added another project exclusively for testing. Both of these projects …

c++ googletest