Top "Vs-unit-testing-framework" questions

Microsoft's unit testing framework

How do I use Assert to verify that an exception has been thrown?

How do I use Assert (or other Test class?) to verify that an exception has been thrown?

c# unit-testing mstest assert vs-unit-testing-framework
How can we run a test method with multiple parameters in MSTest?

NUnit has a feature called Values, like below: [Test] public void MyTest( [Values(1,2,3)] int x, [Values("A","B")] string s) { // ... } …

c# unit-testing nunit mstest vs-unit-testing-framework
Why does TestInitialize get fired for every test in my Visual Studio unit tests?

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2. I've got a single [TestClass], which has a [TestInitialize], [TestCleanup] and a few [TestMethods]. Every …

c# visual-studio visual-studio-2010 mstest vs-unit-testing-framework
MSTest: No tests are run because no tests are loaded or the selected tests are disabled

I have a c# solution with the following structure: mySolution myProject myProject.MSTests References Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework sutMSTests.cs …

c# unit-testing mstest vs-unit-testing-framework
Visual Studio - suddenly cannot debug tests

I'm not sure what I did, but all of a sudden, my Visual Studio 2012 will not debug any tests. If …

visual-studio visual-studio-2012 visual-studio-2017 visual-studio-debugging vs-unit-testing-framework
What could be causing a System.TypeLoadException in a Visual Studio Unit Test?

I've got a C# .NET class library MyClassLibrary that compiles fine. I'm trying to create a unit test project for …

c# visual-studio-2010 vs-unit-testing-framework
TestInitialize vs ClassInitialize

What is the difference between TestInitialize vs ClassInitialize in MSTest? What are the pros cons of each? I'm under the …

c# mstest vs-unit-testing-framework
Correct way to unit test the type of an object

Using the Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework, I'm looking at two options: Assert.AreEqual(myObject.GetType(), typeof(MyObject)); and Assert.…

c# .net vs-unit-testing-framework
Using .runsettings to exclude assemblies from code coverage

When running code coverage for my solution which contains multiple projects, I noticed that Code Coverage includes also my test …

.net visual-studio unit-testing code-coverage vs-unit-testing-framework
How to access TestRunParameters within RunSettings file

Reading through I have created a .RunSettings files with a few parameters …

c# coded-ui-tests vs-unit-testing-framework runsettings