Top "Googletest" questions

Google's C++ testing framework based on xUnit that runs on multiple platforms.

GMock: How to return mock class variable as the return value

I am trying to use GMock (google mocking framework for c++) for the first time. I have the following class: …

c++ unit-testing googletest googlemock gmock
How can I tell GoogleMock to stop checking an expectation after the test finished?

I have two unit tests that share some state (unfortunately I can't change this since the point is to test …

c++ unit-testing googletest googlemock
google mock - can I call EXPECT_CALL multiple times on same mock object?

If I call EXPECT_CALL twice on the same mock object in the same TEST_F . . . what happens? Are the …

c++ unit-testing googletest gmock googlemock
What's the difference between gtest.lib and gtest_main.lib?

Google's C++ Test Framework has two output libraries: one is gtest.lib and the other one is gtest_main.lib. …

c++ visual-studio-2008 linker googletest
How do I disable a Googletest (gtest) parametrized test?

Googletest (GTest) allows you to disable individual tests by adding DISABLED_ prefix to the test name. What about parametrized tests …

c++ googletest
Unit Test Output & Project Structure Advice --- CMake + Google Test Framework

I'm new to CMake and I'm using the Google Test Framework. I've looked for more complex examples of combining CMake …

cmake googletest
How does google test make test sequence

How google-test makes test sequence (or order of test case execution) for testing test cases? Suppose I have 5 test cases. …

c++ visual-studio-2010 googletest
How can I get code coverage using gtest on Windows?

I am using gtest for testing my code in C++ with Visual studio 2010. But I could not able to makeout …

c++ visual-studio-2010 unit-testing code-coverage googletest
LNK 2005 error in Visual Studio 2005

I use Visual Studio 2005 on windows XP. I'm trying to use "Google Test" framework. But i couldn't manage to make …

visual-studio-2005 linker-errors googletest lnk2005
Expect a value within a given range using Google Test

I want to specify an expectation that a value is between an upper and lower bound, inclusively. Google Test provides …

c++ unit-testing googletest