Top "Googlemock" questions

Designed with C++'s specifics in mind, Google C++ Mocking Framework (or Google Mock for short) is a library for writing and using C++ mock classes.

gmock setting default actions / ON_CALL vs. EXPECT_CALL

I don't understand the difference between ON_CALL and EXPECT_CALL when using it to specify the default action. So …

c++ googlemock
What is the difference between gtest and gmock?

I'm trying to understand the purpose of google-mock, Google's C++ mocking framework. I have already worked with gtest earlier, but …

c++ googletest googlemock
Uninteresting mock function call bla() && Expected: to be called at least once bla()?

I've written a small test with a mocked class. When I run it, first I get the warning that an …

c++ mocking googletest googlemock
Is Google Mock a good mocking framework?

I am pioneering unit testing efforts at my company, and need need to choose a mocking framework to use. I …

c++ mocking googlemock
Mocking free function

I am stuck in a problem and can't seem to find the solution. I am using VS2005 SP1 for compiling …

c++ unit-testing tdd googlemock
Unit testing C++ SetUp() and TearDown()

I'm currently learning unit testing with google mock What is the usual use of virtual void SetUp() and virtual void …

unit-testing googlemock
google mock : how can I " EXPECT " that no method will be called on a mock

I want to test the in case of some fail no method will be called on a mock object , using …

c++ googletest googlemock
Avoid matching .WillOnce multiple times in Google Mock

I have a mock object setup that looks like this: MyObject obj; EXPECT_CALL(obj, myFunction(_)) .WillOnce(Return(1)) .WillOnce(Return(1)) .…

c++ tdd googlemock
Google Mock unit testing static methods c++

I just started working on unit testing (using BOOST framework for testing, but for mocks I have to use Google …

c++ googletest googlemock
Can Google Mock a method with a smart pointer return type?

I have a factory that returns a smart pointer. Regardless of what smart pointer I use, I can't get Google …

c++ unit-testing smart-pointers googlemock