Top "Googlemock" questions

Designed with C++'s specifics in mind, Google C++ Mocking Framework (or Google Mock for short) is a library for writing and using C++ mock classes.

Google Test - Test that a string does not contain a string

Using Google Test, I need a way to verify that a string that was returned by my class under test …

regex googletest googlemock
Automatic generation of mock classes for gmock

I am using gmock for unit testing C++ code. I am not using the gtest framework. I am using visual …

c++ unit-testing visual-studio-2008 googlemock
Expecting googlemock calls from another thread

What will be the best way to write (google) test cases using a google mock object and expect the EXPECT_…

c++ mocking googlemock
How to mock a class with both virtual and non-virtual methods using Google Mock?

I have a class I wish to Mock using Google Mock. My class has BOTH non-virtual and virtual methods. I've …

c++ unit-testing googletest googlemock
Google Mock - how to name mock functions?

I am just getting started with Google Mock. The For Dummies is reasonably easy to follow. However, I don't understand …

c++ googlemock gmock
How to mock method with optional parameter in Google Mock?

How to mock a method with optional parameter in Google Mock? For example: class A { public: void set_enable( bool …

c++ mocking googletest googlemock
Google Mock : Setting argument in EXPECT_CALL

I am trying to set a class member function parameter value in Google Mock, but I get build errors and …

c++ unit-testing oop googletest googlemock
Google Mock: "no appropriate default constructor available"?

Using Visual Studio 2010 C++ with googlemock. I'm trying to use a mock I created and I'm getting the compiler error …

c++ constructor mocking default-constructor googlemock
SEH exception when using googlemock

I am starting to use googlemock with googletest but am getting an SEH exception that I can't figure out. The …

c++ googlemock
Google Mock: Return() a list of values

Via Google Mock's Return() you can return what value will be returned once a mocked function is called. However, if …

c++ return-value googlemock