Top "Google-contacts-api" questions

The Google Contact API allows users to programmatically interact with the Google Contacts application, which is a web based contact management application by Google.

get contact info from android contact picker

I'm trying to call the contact picker, get the persons name, phone and e-mail into strings and send them to …

android contacts contactscontract google-contacts-api
Google API PHP Client - Contacts Service

I have, after hours of deep, deep pain, finally got a bit closer to the configuration and usage of Google's …

php api google-api google-api-php-client google-contacts-api
Google Contacts API with Google JavaScript Client Lib

I am trying to work with the Google Contacts API v3. Because of the OAuth2 authentication and authorization I'm started …

javascript google-api google-contacts-api google-api-js-client
Dynamic Google API redirect URL

I am coding a google contacts import code for a social network this import happens on the user page which …

How can i import contacts from gmail using google-api-javascript-client or "Contacts API version 3.0"?

I was used 2.0 version of Contacts API with Gdata library to import customer gmail information. This version not supported anymore …

javascript google-contacts-api google-api-client
Generating an inline-image with java gwt

I'm trying to write an inline-image using Java GWT. The image however does not display: <img src="data:unknown;…

java gwt base64 google-contacts-api inline-images
Get all contacts from Google Contacts API version 3.0

I am trying to retrieve all the contacts from my Gmail account. At the moment it only seems to randomly …

python google-app-engine oauth-2.0 google-contacts-api
Google API : Getting a Contacts Photo

I've been able to retrieve everything but the contacts photo by following the API. I can get the img url …

google-api google-contacts-api
get token, store it, refresh it if expired using oauth2 gem in ruby

I am working on script to get google contacts using google contacts api gem. I am able to access the …

oauth-2.0 google-contacts-api ruby-2.1
Get Userinfo from Oauth2 Google Contacts API

Error which i am getting: 401 Unauthorized { "code" : 401, "errors" : [ { "domain" : "global", "location" : "Authorization", "locationType" : "…

java google-api oauth-2.0 google-contacts-api userinfo