I am trying to work with the Google Contacts API v3.
Because of the OAuth2 authentication and authorization I'm started with the Google APIs Client Library for JavaScript. I have no problems with that part of the API access.
But after doing the auth part I don't know what to do next. Can I use the google-api-javascript-client for the Google Contacts API v3? In the list of the supported Google APIs by the javascript-client the contacts API does not appear. But I have full access with the OAuth 2.0 Playground tool.
I am really confused which client is working best with the latest Google Contacts API. What is about the gdata-javascript-client?
To use the v3 contacts api with the authentication token provided by gapi (Google JS client lib) this one is helpful, using alt=&json
$.getJSON('https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/default/full/?access_token=' +
authResult.access_token + "&alt=json&callback=?", function(result){