Top "Ruby-2.1" questions

For issues relating to development in Ruby, version 2.1. If your question applies to Ruby in general, use the tag [tag:ruby].

Check whether a string contains one of multiple substrings

I've got a long string-variable and want to find out whether it contains one of two substrings. e.g. haystack = …

ruby-on-rails ruby string ruby-2.1
How to uninstall rvm, ruby, rails and gems. I'm getting errors on Mavericks

I'm new on Ruby on Rails and I have some problems with configuration. I don't know what to do. I …

ruby-on-rails-4 rubygems rvm osx-mavericks ruby-2.1
Rails: Disabling link_to link not working but hidden link_to working

The link_to method is as which is not disabled:- <%= link_to edit_cabinet_path(object), remote: true, …

ruby-on-rails-4.1 ruby-2.1
Ruby - Digest::Digest is deprecated; Use Digest

I've been getting this warning whenever I run my tests or start rails server. When I run grep from .rvm …

ruby warnings ruby-2.1
Circular dependency detected while autoloading constant (Rails 4, Ruby 2)

configs/routes.rb Shutters and Paints are subresources of Jobs. resources :jobs do resources :shutters resources :paints end app/models/…

ruby-on-rails ruby sqlite ruby-on-rails-4 ruby-2.1
Debugger gem not supported in Ruby 2.1.0 / 2.1.1 / 2.1.2

I just upgraded my RVM Ruby installation to version 2.1.0 and tried to bundle install when I got the following error: …

ruby-on-rails ruby rvm ruby-2.1
Can I have required named parameters in Ruby 2.x?

Ruby 2.0 is adding named parameters, like this: def say(greeting: 'hi') puts greeting end say # => puts 'hi' say(greeting: …

ruby arguments ruby-2.0 ruby-2.1
Why would `rvm install ruby-2.1.0` install preview1?

I just tried to install Ruby 2.1, and instead got 2.1 Preview 1. This seems crazy to me. 2.1 is out. Why would RVM …

ruby rvm ruby-2.1
How install ruby 2.1.0 on OS_X 10.9 using rvm? ( No binary rubies available for: osx/10.9/x86_64/ruby )

I'm trying to install ruby 1.9.3-p545 or ruby-2.1.0 or ruby-2.1.1, but it fails... My environment: OS_X 10.9 x86_64 rvm 1.25.20 Error …

installation rvm osx-mavericks ruby-1.9.3 ruby-2.1
get token, store it, refresh it if expired using oauth2 gem in ruby

I am working on script to get google contacts using google contacts api gem. I am able to access the …

oauth-2.0 google-contacts-api ruby-2.1