Top "Gnu-make" questions

This tag is for questions about `gmake`, the GNU version of the `make` utility to maintain and update programs.

GNU make's -j option

Ever since I learned about -j I've used -j8 blithely. The other day I was compiling an atlas installation and …

Order of processing components in makefile

In a makefile, the dependency line is of the form - abc: x y z All three of the components (…

makefile gnu-make
gnu make: list the values of all variables (or "macros") in a particular run

How can I list the current value of all variables (also called macros) in a Makefile when running make? E.…

makefile gnu-make
GNU make: Multiple targets in a single rule

Possible Duplicate: GNU Makefile rule generating a few targets from a single source file If I have a Makefile rule …

makefile gnu-make
How to use the include directive in a makefile for a specific target

I want to use the include directive only for a specific target. I do not want to run the other …

makefile gnu-make
Checking if variables are defined in a makefile

I have a GNU Makefile (version 3.81) that looks like the following: .PHONY: SPOneDot SPOneDot: ifndef X X=0.05 $$(info X undefined, …

makefile conditional environment-variables gnu-make
Wildcard to obtain list of all directories

In my Makefile I need to get a list of all directories present in some other directory. To get a …

makefile wildcard gnu-make
How to specify RPATH in a makefile?

I'm trying to specify rpath in my binary. My makefile looks like this- CC=gcc CFLAGS=-Wall LDFLAGS= -rpath='../…

makefile gnu-make ld rpath ldflags
How can I capture the current directory as an absolute pathname in a make variable?

I'd like to get the current directory during a GNUmake file run put into a make variable. What is the …

makefile gnu-make
depending on directories in make

This is a followup to my earlier question: SO 4403861 because the suggested solutions broke the dependencies, making the makefile useless. …

makefile rules gnu-make