Top "Ldflags" questions

LDFLAGS is a variable used in Makefiles.

How to use LDFLAGS in makefile

I am new to Linux OS. I am trying to compile a .c file using a makefile. The math library …

makefile ldflags
How to set the LDFLAGS in CMakeLists.txt?

I set the CFLAGS in CMake by CMAKE_C_FLAGS. Is something like this to set LDFLAGS?

gcc makefile cmake ld ldflags
How to specify RPATH in a makefile?

I'm trying to specify rpath in my binary. My makefile looks like this- CC=gcc CFLAGS=-Wall LDFLAGS= -rpath='../…

makefile gnu-make ld rpath ldflags
Why is gcc failing with 'unrecognized command line option "-L/lusr/opt/mpfr-2.4.2/lib"'?

My sysadmin recently installed a new version of GCC, in /lusr/opt/gcc-4.4.3. I tested it as follows: mike@canon:~$ …

c gcc compiler-construction path ldflags
What is the signification of LDFLAGS

I'm trying to compile AODV for ARM linux. I use a SabreLite as a board with kernel version 3.0.35_4.1.0. It's worth …

linux-kernel cross-compiling ldflags
what's the difference between DLDFLAGS and LDFLAGS

A quick question. I found both "DLDFLAGS" and "LDFLAGS" in a sample Makefile. The compiler used is gcc. It looks …

gcc linker makefile ldflags
How to use a relative path for LDFLAGS in golang

I am trying to build a golang program which uses a static lib (.a file) the directory struct for my …

go path relative-path cgo ldflags