Top "Gnu-make" questions

This tag is for questions about `gmake`, the GNU version of the `make` utility to maintain and update programs.

How to force an error in a gnumake file

I want to detect a condition in my makefile where a tool is the wrong version and force the make …

makefile gnu-make
Difference between CPPFLAGS and CXXFLAGS in GNU Make

What's the difference between CPPFLAGS and CXXFLAGS in GNU Make?

makefile gnu-make
GNU make: should the number of jobs equal the number of CPU cores in a system?

There seems to be some controversy on whether the number of jobs in GNU make is supposed to be equal …

makefile gnu-make
Wildcard targets in a Makefile

How can I compact the folllowing Makefile targets? $(GRAPHDIR)/Complex.png: $(GRAPHDIR)/ dot $(GRAPHDIR)/ -Tpng -o $(…

makefile gnu-make
List goals/targets in GNU make that contain variables in their definition

I have a fairly large makefile that creates a number of targets on the fly by computing names from variables. (…

makefile gnu-make
:= vs = in make macros

Possible Duplicate: What is the difference between the GNU Makefile variable assignments =, ?=, := and +=? I only know very basic makefile syntax, …

makefile gnu-make colon-equals
Check if a program exists from a Makefile

How can I check if a program is callable from a Makefile? (That is, the program should exist in the …

makefile gnu-make
How to change the extension of each file in a list with multiple extensions in GNU make?

In a GNU makefile, I am wondering if it is possible, with an file list input, to make a file …

makefile gnu-make
Recursive wildcards in GNU make?

It's been a while since I've used make, so bear with me... I've got a directory, flac, containing .FLAC files. …

makefile gnu-make
Append to GNU make variables via command line

I am using a GNU-make Makefile to build a C project with several targets (all, clean, and a few project …

c makefile gnu-make