For questions regarding the `:=` operator available in several languages
What is the best way to assign to multiple columns using data.table? For example: f <- function(x) {…
r dataframe data.table variable-assignment colon-equalsI've seen := used in several code samples, but never with an accompanying explanation. It's not exactly possible to google its …
operators colon-equalsWhat does the := operand mean, more specifically for Python? Can someone explain how to read this snippet of code? node := …
python colon-equalsPossible Duplicate: What is the difference between the GNU Makefile variable assignments =, ?=, := and +=? I only know very basic makefile syntax, …
makefile gnu-make colon-equalsWhat's happening here? package main import "fmt" func main() { myArray :=[...]int{12,14,26} ; fmt.Println(myArray) myArray :=[...]int{11,12,14} //error pointing on this …
variables go colon-equalsIn some programming languages, I see (ex.): x := y What is this := operator generally called and what does it do?
syntax programming-languages operator-keyword colon-equalsFor variable assignment in Make, I see := and = operator. What's the difference between them?
makefile gnu-make colon-equalsCurrently, I am learning some FPGA design techniques using VHDL, my problem is whether we can use := and <= interchangeably …
embedded logic vhdl colon-equalswhat does this mean := in sql ? if found some sql using like that symbol example select col1, col2, @pv:=col3 …
mysql sql colon-equalsI want to know in Oracle PL/SQL, = can be used for Boolean comparison, can it be used for assignment …
plsql oracle11g plsqldeveloper colon-equals