Top "Glob" questions

globs, more properly called [shell] patterns, and also known as wildcard expressions, are instances of a pattern-matching language used in many, esp.

Quicker to os.walk or glob?

I'm messing around with file lookups in python on a large hard disk. I've been looking at os.walk and …

python traversal glob os.walk directory-walk
Find files in a directory with a partial string match

I have a directory which contains the following files: apple1.json.gz apple2.json.gz banana1.json.gz melon1.json.…

python glob
glob() — Sort by Name

How can I reverse the sort by filename? Currently it displays all the text files in alphabetical / numerical order, but …

php sorting foreach reverse glob
glob php - return all types of images from directory

I have a php function to grab images from a folder for a carousel and build the carousel on those …

php image include carousel glob
What is the ** glob character?

I have this path in my react gulpfile: var path = { HTML: 'src/index.html', ALL: ['src/js/*.js', 'src/js/**/*.…

gulp glob
Is there a way to glob() only files?

I know that glob can look for all files or only all directories inside a folder : echo "All files:\n"; $…

php glob directory-browsing
Gitignore all folders beginning with a period

I want to use a .gitignore file to ignore all folders beginning with a period (hidden folders of linux). I …

git gitignore glob
Glob / minimatch: how to gulp.src() everything, then exclude folder but keep one file in it

I have a project like this: root |-incl1 |-incl2 |- ... |-excl1 |-excl2 |- .gitignore <-- keep this one |- (…

node.js gulp glob minimatch
glob pattern matching in .NET

Is there a built-in mechanism in .NET to match patterns other than Regular Expressions? I'd like to match using UNIX …

c# .net glob
How can I merge multiple lists of files together with CMake?

I have a project built with CMake that needs to copy some resources to the destination folder. Currently I use …

file list cmake concatenation glob