Top "Glob" questions

globs, more properly called [shell] patterns, and also known as wildcard expressions, are instances of a pattern-matching language used in many, esp.

Regular Expression usage with ls

I am trying to use ER (Extended Regular Expressions) with ls like ls .+\..+. I am trying to print all files …

regex ls glob
glob exclude pattern

I have a directory with a bunch of files inside: eee2314, asd3442 ... and eph. I want to exclude all files …

python glob
Python Glob without the whole path - only the filename

Is there a way I can use glob on a directory, to get files with a specific extension, but only …

python glob
Using .gitignore to ignore everything but specific directories

My issue is that I have a bunch of WordPress websites in my git repo, of which I want to …

git gitignore glob
gulp globbing- how to watch everything below directory

This is a pretty dumb question, but I haven't really been able to find a satisfactory answer: How do I …

glob gulp
Use gulp to select and move directories and their files

I'm currently using gulp to call a bash script that cleans my dist/ directory and moves the appropriate files to …

node.js glob gulp
Regular expressions in a Bash case statement

I am using following script, which uses case statement to find the server. #!/bin/bash SERVER=$1; echo $SERVER | egrep "ws-[0…

regex bash case glob
git: How do I recursively add all files in a directory subtree that match a glob pattern?

I have several .screen files inside /xxx/documentation and its subdirectories that are already tracked by Git. After modifying many …

git glob git-add
Recursively add files by pattern

How do I recursively add files by a pattern (or glob) located in different directories? For example, I'd like to …

git glob filepattern
node.js glob pattern for excluding multiple files

I'm using the npm module node-glob. This snippet returns recursively all files in the current working directory. var glob = require(…

node.js glob