Glob / minimatch: how to gulp.src() everything, then exclude folder but keep one file in it

Borek Bernard picture Borek Bernard · Oct 21, 2014 · Viewed 26.6k times · Source

I have a project like this:

  |- ...
     |- .gitignore  <-- keep this one
     |- (other files)  <-- exclude them

I need to write gulp.src() that will include all folders except excl1 and excl2 but keep the .gitignore file.

This is my code that doesn't work:

  baseDir + '/**',
  '!' + baseDir + '/{excl1, excl1/**}'
  '!' + baseDir + '/excl2/{**, !.gitignore}'  // <-- doesn't work
], {dot: true})


Heikki picture Heikki · Oct 21, 2014

This seems to work:

    baseDir + '/**',                              // Include all
    '!' + baseDir + '/excl1{,/**}',               // Exclude excl1 dir
    '!' + baseDir + '/excl2/**/!(.gitignore)',    // Exclude excl2 dir, except .gitignore
], { dot: true });

Excluding single file from glob match was tricky because there's no similar examples in minimatch docs.

"If the pattern starts with a ! character, then it is negated".