Top "Git-stash" questions

Allows to move pending changes in a working git directory away and restore them later, i.e. put them on a stash.

Is it possible to get commit logs/messages of a remote git repo without git clone

Is it possible to get commit logs/messages of a remote git repo without git clone? The git repo I …

git bash git-stash
How can you unstash changes using EGit?

When I switch branch with non-committed changes I'm given a prompt to stash my changes: When I switch back to …

eclipse git eclipse-plugin egit git-stash
What's the difference between git stash save and git stash push?

When should I use git stash save instead of git stash push and vice-versa?

git git-stash
Is git stash branch-specific or for the whole repository?

I went into a branch and did some work. I wanted to go into another branch but didn't want to …

git git-stash
How can I print the log for a branch other than the current one?

I'm on a branch with some changes. Changing branch is a pain as some files are locked by processes, so …

git branch git-checkout git-log git-stash
Git stash uncached: how to put away all unstaged changes?

Suppose two set of changes are made in a project versioned by git. One set is staged and the other …

git git-stash
Git show all branches (but not stashes) in log

I have a Git alias that expands to: git log --graph --oneline --all --decorate According to man git log there …

git git-log git-stash
lost git stash changes

So here's what happened: I was on a branch 'A' and did a Git stash on that branch. Then I …

git git-stash
Difference between stash vs stage files in GIT

When I need to save my changes from one branch before checking out to another branch, git sometimes says: stage …

git-stash git-stage
why git stash cannot abandon the changes made just now?

i forked a project from github, and the origin point to my own github repo, remote point to its original …

git github git-pull merge-conflict-resolution git-stash