Top "Git-stash" questions

Allows to move pending changes in a working git directory away and restore them later, i.e. put them on a stash.

git status: what is UU and why should add/rm fix it?

Here is the current state of this feature branch. Recent Steps: Remote development branch diverged Fetched remote development branch Stashed …

git github git-rebase git-stash git-add
Undo IntelliJ Smart Checkout

IntelliJ has a feature that's very cool in theory, called Smart Checkout. This feature kicks in when you're changing branches …

git intellij-idea version-control git-stash
How to pull into not-the-current-branch?

Say my current branch is myfeature. I want to get master up to date. Both git merge git pull always …

git git-pull git-checkout git-stash
How to git pull while ignoring the local changes?

As I am trying to pull some changes from origin/master, I am getting this error : error: Your local changes …

git pull git-stash
git stash reporting: '' is not a stash reference

Not quite sure what's happened, but git stash seems to be in a bad place. % git stash list stash@{0}: filter-branch: …

git git-stash
Git cannot undo modified files

I just want to get back to a clean working directory, exactly as it was after my last commit. Git …

git rollback git-stash git-reset
git stash is slow on windows

On my windows machine git stash has about 3.5 seconds overhead on each invocation, which adds about 7 seconds to my git …

windows git git-bash git-stash
How to view stash date/timestamp next to stash id?

Using git stash list shows me the list of stashes with their IDs. Using git stash list --date=local or …

git git-stash