Top "Git-stash" questions

Allows to move pending changes in a working git directory away and restore them later, i.e. put them on a stash.

how to get the stash back after pulling

Yesterday I made some changes on the master branch but didn't commit them, today I tried to pull the master …

git github git-stash
Unable to find stash/apply functionalitit in EGit

I'm working with Eclipse Kepler and EGit 3.0.0. Where can I find the GIT stash/apply functionality. I cannot find stash …

eclipse git egit git-stash
Git stash twice

I had to quickly switch git branches, so I ran git stash, but I had to run it again because …

git git-stash
Delete all Git Commit History

I am trying to fetch a repo from Github, revert a tag in past, push it to another remote with …

git github git-stash
Stash changes while keeping the changes in the working directory in Git

Is there a git stash command that stashes your changes, but keeps them in the working directory too? So basically …

git git-stash
Can "git pull" automatically stash and pop pending changes?

I know how to solve this: user@host$ git pull Updating 9386059..6e3ffde error: Your local changes to the following …

git git-pull git-stash
Can't pop git stash, 'Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge'

So I had a load of changes and some untracked files. I needed to tweak something, so I used git …

git git-stash
Aborting `git stash apply`

I regret having applied a stash (wrong branch). How can I undo this and have my stash back to my …

git git-stash
How to make git merge handle uncommitted changes to my working tree?

A co-worker and I are both working on the master branch at the moment. I have some code in my …

git git-merge git-stash
git remove file from stash

I have a stash with a bunch of files in it. But I can't apply my stash because of a …

git git-stash merge-conflict-resolution