Top "Git-stash" questions

Allows to move pending changes in a working git directory away and restore them later, i.e. put them on a stash.

Undoing a git pull --rebase

Hey I'm new to git and I need to undo a pull, can anyone help?!? So what I've done is... …

git git-rebase git-pull git-stash git-revert
Use git stash save or git commit for local changes?

I changed some files in my repo, but don't want them to be pushed public or create any temporary branch …

git github git-commit git-stash
git stash and apply

I'm new to git and not quite clear on how stashing works. Let's say I'm working on branch master and …

git git-pull git-stash
How to stash changes in current folder?

I would like to stash only the changes in the current folder and its subfolders. How can I achieve that? …

git git-stash
Get the creation date of a stash

Is there a way to tell when a stash was created? git stash list only lists the stashes, and git …

git git-stash
What is the difference between IntelliJ's Shelve and Git stash?

IntelliJ supports git stashes as well as it's own built in shelve command. These seem to be almost identical in …

git intellij-idea git-stash
How can I rename a git stash?

I have a stash with an incorrect name. I would like to fix the name so it's accurate. How can …

git git-stash
Show all stashes in git log

I would like to see all stashes in git log output. Does anyone know if there is a way to …

git git-log git-stash
Apply stash to different branch

I was accidentally working on the wrong branch. Now I want to transfer all my changes to the correct branch. …

git git-stash
How to combine multiple stashes in git

This is a pipeline on branch frontend over the last two weeks. | Stash@{3} is all code since Stash@{1} (excluding the …

git git-stash