Can't pop git stash, 'Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge'

fredley picture fredley · Nov 12, 2013 · Viewed 36.8k times · Source

So I had a load of changes and some untracked files. I needed to tweak something, so I used git stash -u, modified a couple of things, committed those changes, pushed them, and then tried to git stash pop.

Because I'd modified a couple of files that I'd stashed, I got the following message:

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.

This seems odd, I had committed all new changes, my checkout was clean when I ran the command.

It seems the git stash pop operation un-stashed half of my changes and the untracked files, but if I try and git stash pop again I get output like:

some_file.html already exists, no checkout
some_other_file.html already exists, no checkout
yet_another_file.html already exists, no checkout
Could not restore untracked files from stash

git stash show still shows a list of my stashed changes, but I'm at a loss as to what I do now.

How can I get myself unstuck?


joeytwiddle picture joeytwiddle · Jul 21, 2016

For those who do have un-committed work, and want to pop their stash without losing that work, here is a way (with thanks to @iFreilicht):

  1. Temporarily stage any uncommitted changes:

    git add -u .
  2. Now you can apply your stash without git complaining (hopefully):

    git stash pop
  3. Now unstage everything, but leave the files as they are now:

    git reset