Public mutator methods in object-oriented programming, responsible for changing and returning the value of private class members, thus keeping with the principle of encapsulation.
I've just upgrade to angular version 1.3.8. When using 1.2.23 version I've created a directive to convert the data form view to …
angularjs getter-setterIs there a way to have a private setter for a property in TypeScript? class Test { private _prop: string; public …
typescript setter getter-setter accessorI recently read about the fact that there is a possibility of defining getters/setters in JavaScript. It seems extremely …
javascript prototype constructor getter-setterI have a situation where I need to override the getter of a property. Let's say we have: public class …
swift inheritance overriding getter-setterLets say I have the following getter/setter methods and I want to call this in the following way: <…
angular typescript getter-setter templatebindingPossible Duplicates: Why use getters and setters? C# 3.0 Auto-Properties - useful or not? Is there a difference between defining properties …
c# syntax getter getter-setterwhy can I do this without any error: var testDto = ModelDto(modelId: 1) testDto.objectId = 2 while I define this: protocol DataTransferObject { …
ios swift protocols getter-setterI'm playing around with protocols and how to conform to them. protocol Human { var height: Int { get set } } struct Boy: …
ios swift protocols getter-setter swift-protocolsIn a UML class diagram, if a class has 5 private attributes that need to be mutable and readable, the UML …
uml getter-setter class-diagram specificationsHow do you access a PHP object's properties? Also, what is the difference between accessing an object's property with $this-&…
php oop properties getter-setter