Top "Getter-setter" questions

Public mutator methods in object-oriented programming, responsible for changing and returning the value of private class members, thus keeping with the principle of encapsulation.

Generating Entity Getters and Setters in Symfony / Doctrine ORM

I have the following ORM Symfony entity with only properties : <?php namespace Evr\HomeBundle\Entity; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping …

symfony annotations doctrine getter-setter
Getters, setters, and properties best practices. Java vs. C#

I'm taking a C# class right now and I'm trying to find out the best way of doing things. I …

c# java properties getter-setter
Getters and Setters in Kotlin

In Java, for example, I can write getters on my own (generated by IDE) or use Annotations like @Getter in …

kotlin getter-setter
When to use get/set Methods in java

I want to know when to use get and set methods(getName,setName ) in my class and when simple classVariable.…

java getter-setter
Why is it impossible to override a getter-only property and add a setter?

Why is the following C# code not allowed: public abstract class BaseClass { public abstract int Bar { get;} } public class ConcreteClass : …

c# .net properties getter-setter
Is it possible to implement dynamic getters/setters in JavaScript?

I am aware of how to create getters and setters for properties whose names one already knows, by doing something …

javascript metaprogramming getter-setter
(no) Properties in Java?

So, I have willfully kept myself a Java n00b until recently, and my first real exposure brought about a …

java getter-setter
Java Getters and Setters

Is there a better standard way to create getters and setters in Java? It is quite verbose to have to …

java annotations getter-setter
Does Hibernate always need a setter when there is a getter?

We have some Hibernate getter methods annotated with both @Column and @Basic. We get an exception if we don't have …

java hibernate getter-setter
Why are getter and setter method important in java?

I have been taught to always use getters and setters. However, I don't know the pros and cons of these …

java methods getter-setter