Top "Getter-setter" questions

Public mutator methods in object-oriented programming, responsible for changing and returning the value of private class members, thus keeping with the principle of encapsulation.

Override a setter, and the getter must also be overridden

class AbstractClass { constructor() { } set property(value) { this.property_ = value; } get property() { return this.property_; } } class Subclass extends AbstractClass { constructor() { super(); } …

javascript class ecmascript-6 getter-setter traceur
Best way to create class getter/setters in Javascript?

Coming from C#/PHP, I would like to have full getters/setters on the classes (functions) that I create with …

javascript oop getter-setter
Getter-Setter and private variables

If I can change the value of private variable through getter-returned reference then isn't it bypassing the setter method? Doesn't …

java private getter-setter
How to "override" a defined (get-)property on a prototype?

I have some code which defines a getter (but no setter, if such is relevant) on a prototype. The value …

javascript properties overriding getter-setter defineproperty
Angular 2 templates methods vs getters

I'm wondering if there is any benefit to do this: <div>{{getSomething()}}</div> export class MyComp { …

javascript angular typescript getter-setter
JS getters and setters inside a class?

I'd like to create a class in JS that uses native getters and setters. I know I can create getters/…

javascript setter getter getter-setter
Doctrine 2 Whats the Recommended Way to Access Properties?

I remember reading that in Doctrine 2 models, I should not set properties/fields public. How then would you expose these …

php doctrine-orm getter-setter
Calling the variable property directly vs getter/setters - OOP Design

I know this is probably subjective but I read this optimization page from Google for PHP and they suggest use …

php optimization variables getter-setter design-principles
Correct usage of a getter/setter for dictionary values

I'm pretty new to Python, so if there's anything here that's flat-out bad, please point it out. I have an …

python getter-setter
Object.defineProperty for all browsers?

Asking about Object.defineProperty as demonstrated below: function testComponent(){ var testProperty; Object.defineProperty(this, "testProperty", { get : function() { return testProperty; }, set : …

javascript getter-setter defineproperty