Anything related to C or C++ standard library functions `getchar` (C) or `std::getchar` (C++). These functions are used to read a single character from the standard input stream `stdin`.
I am confused about getchar()'s role in the following code. I mean I know it's helping me see the …
c getcharI have written a small script to detect the full value from the user input with the getchar() function in …
c user-interface loops getcharI knew that getchar() is just a function gets the first character of the line the user entered then the …
c while-loop getchar putcharI'm new to c programming and I'm facing this problem with my program I have a loop that gets a …
c getchar input-bufferUsing a very simple calculator program that prompts a user for an operation to perform, followed by a prompt for …
c switch-statement getchar input-bufferMy main intention was to make getchar return as soon as it gets a character instead of waiting for the …
c buffer stdin getchar unbufferedI wrote this simple program for practise: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.…
c loops while-loop io getchar