Top "Putchar" questions

Anything related to C or C++ standard library functions `putchar` (C) or `std::putchar` (C++). These functions are used to write a single character to the standard output stream `stdout`.

I'm trying to understand getchar() != EOF

I'm reading The C Programming Language and have understood everything so far. However when I came across the getchar() and …

c eof getchar putchar
putchar() vs printf() - Is there a difference?

I am currently in chapter 1.5.1 File copying and made a program like so: #include <stdio.h> /* copy input …

c printf getchar putchar
Printing the value of EOF

In Kernighan and Ritchie (the C programming language): 'Write a program to print the value of EOF' I wrote: #include &…

c putchar
Putchar and Getchar in C

I'm reading K&R's The C Programming Language and have become confused on putchar and getchar. I made a …

c getchar kernighan-and-ritchie putchar
Printing a string in C using a function

I'm brand new to C and am trying to learn how to take a string and print it using a …

c string char getchar putchar
Can putchar() print an integer?

How can I print an integer with the help of putchar() only. i want to do it without using external …

c file-io integer output putchar
Confused about "while(getchar() != '\n')"

I knew that getchar() is just a function gets the first character of the line the user entered then the …

c while-loop getchar putchar
How will you print any character, string or value of a variable without library functions in C?

If for example I should not use standard library functions like printf(), putchar() then how can I print a character …

c printing printf character putchar