Top "Getchar" questions

Anything related to C or C++ standard library functions `getchar` (C) or `std::getchar` (C++). These functions are used to read a single character from the standard input stream `stdin`.

error: A label can only be part of a statement

I'm writing a brainfuck interpreter in C, and I'm having a little bit of trouble with the use of somethings …

c pointers gcc compiler-errors getchar
getc Vs getchar Vs Scanf for reading a character from stdin

Of the below three functions: getc getchar & scanf which is the best one for reading a character from stdin …

c character scanf getchar getc
C getchar vs scanf

I am confused by a piece of code found in a function I am studying: char GetCommand( void ) { char command; …

c scanf getchar
function similar to getchar

Is there a Go function similar to C's getchar able to handle tab press in console? I want to make …

console go getchar
putchar() vs printf() - Is there a difference?

I am currently in chapter 1.5.1 File copying and made a program like so: #include <stdio.h> /* copy input …

c printf getchar putchar
ProbIem with EOF in C

I'm writing a program which is supposed to read two strings that can contain line breaks and various other characters. …

c string newline eof getchar
Input string with getchar

I am trying to read a string into a char array with a length chosen by the user. The problem …

c string while-loop getchar
How to clear stdin before getting new input?

I have read about 5-10 different advices how to clear stdin, but none of them suits my needs. The thing …

c stdin getchar
How to flush the console buffer?

i have some code that run repetedly : printf("do you want to continue? Y/N: \n"); keepplaying = getchar(); in the …

c getchar
Is there a built-in function in Python 3 like getchar() in C++?

I want to do user input in python which is similar to getchar() function used in c++. c++ code: #include&…

python c++ input getchar