Top "Genetic-algorithm" questions

A genetic algorithm (GA) is a search heuristic that mimics the process of natural evolution.

MATLAB- passing a function handle parameter into another function as a handle

Working on an assignment involving Genetic Algorithms (loads of headaches, loads of fun). I need to be able to test …

matlab genetic-algorithm function-handle nested-function
Genetic Algorithm - what is steady state selection?

I'm doing a final year project on genetic algorithms - specifically of the Dawkins Weasel type. I've done roulette selection …

selection genetic-algorithm roulette-wheel-selection
Hotel room optimization/sorting algorithm

Is there any well known room optimization/sorting algorithm for hotels ? Problem is to redistribute rooms to maximize occupancy. Let's …

algorithm genetic-algorithm mathematical-optimization
Crossover operator for permutations

i'm trying to solve the problem of crossover in genetic algorithm on my permutations. Let's say I have two permutations …

algorithm genetic-algorithm crossover
Roulette wheel selection for function minimization

This question answers pseudocode for roulette wheel selection. But it's for maximization problem. But my problem is to minimize the …

genetic-algorithm roulette-wheel-selection
How to evolve weights of a neural network in Neuroevolution?

I'm new to Artificial Neural Networks and NeuroEvolution algorithms in general. I'm trying to implement the algorithm called NEAT (NeuroEvolution …

machine-learning neural-network deep-learning genetic-algorithm evolutionary-algorithm
Difference between exploration and exploitation in genetic algorithm

In evolutionary algorithms two main abilities maintained which are Exploration and Exploitation. In Exploration the algorithm searching for new solutions …

search genetic-algorithm genetic-programming
NSGA-2 multi-objective genetic algorithm. Anyone could give me a "simple explanation"?

I'm working on a genetic algorithm. There are two objective and each one has its own fitness values (fv1,fv2). …

how to minimize a function using Deap?

I need to minimize a function using genetic algorithm and PSO. Different posts suggest to use DEAP (I am using …

python mathematical-optimization genetic-algorithm deap
University Timetable Scheduling Project using Genetic Algorithm (JAVA)

Personal Info: Hello everyone, I'm a computer science student; who (unfortunately) has to work on this NP-Complete problem for my …

java scheduling genetic-algorithm timetable