Top "Genetic-algorithm" questions

A genetic algorithm (GA) is a search heuristic that mimics the process of natural evolution.

Elitism in GA: Should I let the elites be selected as parents?

I am a little confused by the elitism concept in Genetic Algorithm (and other evolutionary algorithms). When I reserve and …

genetic-algorithm evolutionary-algorithm
Genetic Algorithm Tournament Selection

I'm writing a genetic algorithm and I plan to move from roulette wheel selection to tournament selection, but I suspect …

java genetic-algorithm evolutionary-algorithm
Solving Sudoku using a genetic algorithm

I've taken on the task of creating a sudoku solver using a genetic algorithm. Initialization: Store the given values in …

genetic-algorithm sudoku
What are the differences between genetic algorithms and evolution strategies?

I've read a couple of introductory sections of books as well as a few papers on both topics, and it …

genetic-algorithm evolutionary-algorithm
Have you ever used a genetic algorithm in real-world applications?

I was wondering how common it is to find genetic algorithm approaches in commercial code. It always seemed to me …

How to find the best parameters for a Genetic Algorithm?

Some Genetic Algorithm frameworks, such as requires many parameters, such as mutation rate, population size, etc …

genetic-algorithm aforge
Image sharpening methods

I'm doing a project where I'll be using genetic algorithms to optimize a set of filters and parameters that will …

image-processing genetic-algorithm
Genetic algorithm resource

Lately I'm interested in the topic of genetic algorithms, but I couldn't find any good resource. If you know any …

algorithm resources genetic-algorithm
Difference between Neural Network and Evolutionary algorithm

I have a good basis on Evolutionary Algorithms, so now i started to read about Artificial Neural Networks. I come …

artificial-intelligence neural-network genetic-algorithm
Code generation by genetic algorithms

Evolutionary programming seems to be a great way to solve many optimization problems. The idea is very easy and the …

algorithm code-generation genetic-algorithm genetic-programming evolutionary-algorithm