Top "Genetic-algorithm" questions

A genetic algorithm (GA) is a search heuristic that mimics the process of natural evolution.

What's differential evolution and how does it compare to a genetic algorithm?

From what I've read so far they seem very similar. Differential evolution uses floating point numbers instead, and the solutions …

artificial-intelligence genetic-algorithm differential-evolution
What is niching scheme?

I am currently reading a paper on using GA in constrained optimization problems. At some part, it is talking about …

genetic-algorithm evolutionary-algorithm
What is the difference between roulette wheel selection, rank selection and tournament selection?

I'm reading a slide about genetic programming, where some methods to select individuals, such as roulette wheel selection, rank selection …

selection genetic-algorithm genetic-programming roulette-wheel-selection
What is NEAT (Neuroevolution of Augmenting Topologies)?

I have looked up what NEAT is on youtube and the internet, but I can only find projects using NEAT, …

neural-network artificial-intelligence genetic-algorithm
Roulette Wheel Selection for Genetic Algorithm in Java

I am implementing a roulette wheel selection method for a genetic algorithm. My question, in essence, is pretty simple but …

java genetic-algorithm genetic-programming roulette-wheel-selection
How to implement the Gaussian mutation operator for a genetic algorithm in Java

I try to learn and implement a simple genetic algorithm library for my project. At this time, evolution, selection of …

java random artificial-intelligence genetic-algorithm gaussian