Top "Nested-function" questions

Nested functions are functions whose definition is lexically enclosed inside another function definition.

Is nested function a good approach when required by only one function?

Let's say that a function A is required only by function B, should A be defined inside B? Simple example. …

python coding-style nested-function
JavaScript Nested function

I got a piece of code for javascript which I just do not understand: function dmy(d) { function pad2(n) { …

javascript nested-function
How can I combine multiple nested Substitute functions in Excel?

I am trying to set up a function to reformat a string that will later be concatenated. An example string …

excel excel-formula nested substitution nested-function
Why aren't python nested functions called closures?

I have seen and used nested functions in Python, and they match the definition of a closure. So why are …

python closures nested-function
Nested Function in Python

What benefit or implications could we get with Python code like this: class some_class(parent_class): def doOp(self, …

python nested-function
Javascript call nested function

I have the following piece of code: function initValidation() { // irrelevant code here function validate(_block){ // code here } } Is there any …

javascript nested-function
How do nested functions work in Python?

def maker(n): def action(x): return x ** n return action f = maker(2) print(f) print(f(3)) print(f(4)) g = …

python function nested closures nested-function
What are PHP nested functions for?

In JavaScript nested functions are very useful: closures, private methods and what have you.. What are nested PHP functions for? …

php nested-function
Simulating nested functions in C++

In C the following code works in gcc. int foo( int foo_var ) { /*code*/ int bar( int bar_var ) { /*code*/ …

c++ c nested-function
Golang returning functions

Can anyone explain why 0's and 1's are printed and not anything else? Thank you! func makeFunction(name string) func() { …

go nested-function