Top "Fread" questions

A binary-safe file read function in C/C++/PHP that returns the specified number of bytes from a stream.

How to use fread and fwrite functions to read and write Binary files?

Hi in my project I've to read a .bin file which has sensor data in the form of short(16 bit …

c binaryfiles fwrite fread
How does fread really work?

The declaration of fread is as following: size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream); …

c fread
set utf-8 encoding for fread fwrite

hi i use this code read and write text in file . $d = fopen("chat.txt", "r"); $content=fread($d,filesize(…

php fopen fwrite fread
How does fread know when the file is over in C?

So I'm not entirely sure how to use fread. I have a binary file in little-endian that I need to …

c file-io fread
How do you read multiple .txt files into R?

I'm using R to visualize some data all of which is in .txt format. There are a few hundred files …

r lapply fread read.table readr
PHP - Returning the last line in a file?

I'm guessing it's fgets, but I can't find the specific syntax. I'm trying to read out (in a string I'm …

php syntax fread fgets
How to read a binary file in c? (video, images, or text)

I am trying to copy a file from a specified library to the current directory. I can copy text files …

c fread
How to read line by line after i read a text into a buffer?

First , I read a text into a buffer by calling fread, and then I want to read it line by …

c fread
fread in R imports a large .csv file as a data frame with one row

I'm importing a large .csv file into R (about 0.5 million rows), so I've been trying to use fread() from the …

r import data.table fread
fgets() and fread() - What is the difference?

I understand the differences between fgets() and fgetss() but I don't get the difference between fgets() and fread(), can someone …

php smtp stream fread fgets