Top "Fread" questions

A binary-safe file read function in C/C++/PHP that returns the specified number of bytes from a stream.

Could not find function 'fread' in R 3.4 while reading a big dataset

I have installed package "microbenchmark" and then run: library(microbenchmark). Now, I am trying to read a csv file, but …

r rstudio fread
Buffered reading from stdin using fread in C

I am trying to efficiently read from the stdin by using setvbuf in `_IOFBF~ mode. I am new to buffering. …

c buffering fread
How do I read an integer from a binary file using fread?

I've realized that my much bigger file is failing because it can't properly read the first integer in a binary …

c fread
C++ fread() into a std::string

Like always, problems with pointers. This time I am trying to read a file (opened in binary mode) and store …

c++ string casting std fread
How to check if a PHP stream resource is readable or writable?

In PHP, how do I check if a stream resource (or file pointer, handle, or whatever you want to call …

php fopen fwrite fread
C: Reading a text file (with variable-length lines) line-by-line using fread()/fgets() instead of fgetc() (block I/O vs. character I/O)

Is there a getline function that uses fread (block I/O) instead of fgetc (character I/O)? There's a performance …

c file-io fgets fread
Go to a certain point of a binary file in C (using fseek) and then reading from that location (using fread)

I am wondering if this is the best way to go about solving my problem. I know the values for …

c binary fread fseek
fread() a struct in c

For my assignment, I'm required to use fread/fwrite. I wrote #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h&…

c struct io fread
How to handle Coverity error TAINTED_SCALAR in fread

While reading a value from file for an integer, coverity check is giving following error Calling function "fread" taints argument "…

fread coverity
Why does fread mess with my byte order?

Im trying to parse a bmp file with fread() and when I begin to parse, it reverses the order of …

c struct bmp fread