Top "Fragmentpageradapter" questions

FragmentPagerAdapter is a subclass of the PagerAdapter class from the Android compatibility package that represents each page, in the ViewPager where is used, as a Fragment.

Call Tabbed Fragment method from Activity

I have one activity that comprises of three fragments. The fragments use the actionbar tabs using a PagerAdapter. What I …

android android-fragments tabs fragmentpageradapter
Problems with FragmentPagerAdapter

I'm trying to make a slidescreen with viewpager and fragments so that I can load different layouts per fragment and …

android android-fragments android-viewpager fragmentpageradapter android-pageradapter
java.lang.InstantiationException: can't instantiate class ... no empty constructor

I have found topics with similar questions like mine but cant find the answer I am looking for so far. …

android fragmentpageradapter single-instance
How pass fragment arguments while using a view pager with different fragments/layouts?

Objective: To use fragment arguments to pass along the string value from a TextView to a new fragments TextView, BUT …

java android android-fragments android-viewpager fragmentpageradapter
How to update view pager item TITLE dynamically

I have a simple messaging application module. In which, there are two swipable tabs. Received and Sent. Let us say …

android android-viewpager fragmentpageradapter pagerslidingtabstrip
Design Support TabLayout

I'm playing around with the Design Support Library TabLayout. My problem is that the title of one of the tabs …

android fragmentpageradapter androiddesignsupport android-tablayout
Android: limit fragments loading with a viewPager

I have 3 fragments that are managed by an FragmentPagerAdapter, set to a viewPager. I want to load fragments one by …

android android-fragments android-viewpager fragmentpageradapter
Navigating back to FragmentPagerAdapter -> fragments are empty

I have a Fragment (I'll call it pagerFragment) that is added to the backstack and is visible. It holds a …

android android-fragments android-viewpager fragmentpageradapter back-stack
FragmentPagerAdapter and FragmentStatePagerAdapter

I am currently thinking which implementation of PagerAdapter should I use. I've got dilemmas connected to both of them. Let …

android performance android-viewpager fragmentpageradapter fragmentstatepageradapter