Top "Fragmentpageradapter" questions

FragmentPagerAdapter is a subclass of the PagerAdapter class from the Android compatibility package that represents each page, in the ViewPager where is used, as a Fragment.

When is FragmentPagerAdapter's getItem called?

I'm writing an application that uses the FragmentPagerAdapter. The fragments in the adapter need to be updated according to outside …

android fragmentpageradapter
Refresh images on FragmentStatePagerAdapter on resuming activity

I have created an activity that uses FragmentStatePagerAdapter to provide small gallery. However, I can't get it to refresh when …

android android-fragments android-viewpager fragmentpageradapter
FragmentPagerAdapter deprecated

Since API 27 FragmentPagerAdapter is deprecated. What's the best alternative to use for this? In my case, I understand something like …

android kotlin android-viewpager fragmentmanager fragmentpageradapter
IllegalStateException with PagerAdapter

I am getting an IllegalStateException within this activity but not too sure what is going on. Here is the ViewPagerAdapter …

android illegalstateexception fragmentpageradapter android-pageradapter
FragmentPagerAdapter notifyDataSetChanged not working

I got a FragmentPagerAdapter. It's getItem method can return a fragment according to data it has from the outside. After …

android android-adapter fragmentpageradapter notifydatasetchanged
How to add page title and icon in android FragmentPagerAdapter

I want to display title with respective icon in with header page title. like below image, however only able to …

android fragmentpageradapter
Replacing ViewPager with Fragment - Then Navigating Back

I've got an activity which initially hosts a ViewPager, hooked up to a FragmentPagerAdapter. When the user clicks on an …

android android-fragments android-viewpager fragmentpageradapter
How do I pass a variable through a FragmentPagerAdapter to a Fragment?

I'm an android beginner, trying to learn, and this is my first question, so please excuse me if the question …

android android-fragments android-viewpager fragmentpageradapter
FragmentPagerAdapter getItem is not being triggered

Currently, with a FragmentActivity, I toggle among 2 type of Fragments using the following code. private void toggle() { Fragment oldFragment = getSupportFragmentManager().…

android android-fragments android-viewpager fragmentpageradapter