Top "Fragmentpageradapter" questions

FragmentPagerAdapter is a subclass of the PagerAdapter class from the Android compatibility package that represents each page, in the ViewPager where is used, as a Fragment.

Disable swipe in fragmentPagerAdapter? - android

I have a fragmentPagerAdapter with 3 fragments in it. How would I disable the swiping between the 3 fragments so the user …

android android-layout android-fragments fragmentpageradapter android-pageradapter
Cannot refresh/update listview in a fragment from another fragment in ViewPager

I am having a hard time figuring out the next thing. What I have: I have a viewpager and several …

android android-listview android-viewpager fragment fragmentpageradapter
Dynamically change the title of a

I am currentky using a PagerTitleStrip in my application (Doc:…

android fragmentpageradapter
How to replace Fragment inside ViewPager, using PagerAdapter?

My problem I am using a ViewPager to display fragments inside a FragmentActivity. ViewPager gets fragments from the attached FragmentPagerAdapter. …

android replace android-fragments android-viewpager fragmentpageradapter
FragmentPagerAdapter getItem wrong position

I've got strange problem with FramentPageAdapter @SuppressLint("ValidFragment") public class MainActivity<DashboardActivity> extends FragmentActivity implements ActionBar.…

android fragmentpageradapter
FragmentPagerAdapter instantiateItem working with Fragments?

i try to get my FragmentPagerAdapter working, but the examples are a bit to easy for real life : @Override public …

android fragment android-viewpager fragmentpageradapter
FragmentPagerAdapter getItem error with ListFragment

I've looked at quite a lot of code and can't figure this out.…

android android-listview android-fragments fragmentpageradapter
IllegalStateException: Can't change tag of fragment was android:switcher now android:switcher

My activity uses TabLayout + ViewPager. The number of tabs and pages here are dynamic depending on the data fetch from …

android android-fragments android-viewpager android-tablayout fragmentpageradapter
How to implement swipe view on fragment

I'm trying to implement a swipe inside a fragment! My application use a Navigation Drawer Layout and I change view …

android navigation-drawer fragmentpageradapter swipeview
Remove and add page to FragmentPagerAdapter

i am using a fragment pager adapter with 5 pages. and im setting the adapter to view pager as below public …

android android-fragments android-viewpager adapter fragmentpageradapter