Top "Pagerslidingtabstrip" questions

Interactive paging indicator widget, compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library.

Importing Facebook library in Android Studio: Could not find property 'ANDROID_BUILD_SDK_VERSION'

I want to import a library project into my app but whenever I try to do so , Android Studio doesn't …

java android android-studio gradle pagerslidingtabstrip
How to load fragment data only when its tab is clicked in PagerSlidingTabStrip

I am using PagerSlidingTabStrip in my project and am showing data in fragments. Its a great library which works great. …

android android-fragments android-viewpager pagerslidingtabstrip
Add Icons to SlidingTabLayout instead of Text

I'm implementing a SlidingTabLayout in my android application. What my query is that I'd like to implement icons in my …

android android-viewpager android-tabs android-icons pagerslidingtabstrip
Android SlidingTabLayout with icons

I am using google's SlidingTabLayout in my view, but i want to add icons to the tabs. I'm using this …

android android-layout android-tabs pagerslidingtabstrip android-tabstrip
PagerSlidingTabStrip implement guide

I am trying to use this library in my app: I read the documents but …

android pagerslidingtabstrip
Custom Tab Indicator(With Arrow down like Indicator)

Is there a wat to make a indicator like this? it has some pointed arrow down like in the selected …

android android-studio tabs indicator pagerslidingtabstrip
How to update view pager item TITLE dynamically

I have a simple messaging application module. In which, there are two swipable tabs. Received and Sent. Let us say …

android android-viewpager fragmentpageradapter pagerslidingtabstrip
How to implement sliding tab navigation with multiple fragments

I want to add some proper navigation to my app. I have two fragments and I want to make a …

android material-design pagerslidingtabstrip
Android:ViewPager - PagerSlidingTabStrip, Custom Tab Background on state_selected

I need to use a custom background for each tab when each one of them is in state_selected mode. …

android android-viewpager pagerslidingtabstrip
Updating the contents on tab changed in view pager

I am scracthing my head for past 1 day but unable to find the solution. In mine application there are two …

android tabs android-viewpager fragment pagerslidingtabstrip