Top "Formatexception" questions

FormatException is thrown when the format of an argument does not meet the parameter specifications of the invoked method.

Input string was not in a correct format

I'm new with C#, I have some basic knowledge in Java but I can't get this code to run properly. …

c# exception formatexception
System.FormatException : Input string was not in a correct format ,on converting string to decimal.

I have a little problem with ASP.NET and C#. This is my error code: An exception of type 'System.…

c# string decimal formatexception
Throw a format exception C#

I'm trying to throw a format exception in the instance someone tries to enter a non-integer character when prompted for …

c# try-catch formatexception
Proper DateTime Format for a Web Service

I have a webservice with a method which is called via a xmlhttprequest object in my javascript. The method accepts …

sql web-services date-format formatexception
Why does DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffffff") throw FormatException?

I'm having a similar problem with FormatException being thrown. My code is simply: void Orders_OnSubmit() { DateTime CurrentTime = DateTime.Now; …

c# datetime formatexception
c# Convert.ToDouble format exception error

I'm trying to convert this string to double Convert.ToDouble("1.12"); and this is the output System.FormatException was unhandled. Should …

c# double formatexception
Dynamically select columns in runtime using entity framework

I have an existing function like this public int sFunc(string sCol , int iId) { string sSqlQuery = " select " + sCol + " from TableName …

c# sql entity-framework formatexception
DateTime.Parse throwing format exception

I retrieve date and time strings from xml by parsing XElement. The date and time values are retrieved by file.…

c# datetime-format formatexception
String was not recognized as a valid boolean

I am sending the string representation of a boolean through a socket and reading it the other end. void Send(…

c# formatexception
Giving System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. using datetime.ParseExact in C#

I am below code in c#, where I am converting my string type format date to datetime, but giving the …

c# .net datetime formatexception