c# Convert.ToDouble format exception error

sczdavos picture sczdavos · Jul 23, 2011 · Viewed 29.3k times · Source

I'm trying to convert this string to double


and this is the output

System.FormatException was unhandled.

Should I do something like this?

    public static double ConvertToDouble(string ParseVersion)
        double NewestVersion;
            NewestVersion = Convert.ToDouble(ParseVersion);
            ParseVersion = ParseVersion.Replace('.', ',');
            NewestVersion = Convert.ToDouble(ParseVersion);

        return NewestVersion;


Or is there an easier solution?


Jon Skeet picture Jon Skeet · Jul 23, 2011

double.Parse will use the current culture by default. It sounds like you want the invariant culture:

double d = double.Parse("1.12", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

EDIT: Just to be clear, obviously you shouldn't use this if you're trying to parse text entered by a user in a different culture. This is for use when you've received data in the invariant culture (as most machine-to-machine data text-based formats are) and want to enforce that when parsing.