Top "Format" questions

It may refer to text formatting, content format, file format, document file format, etc.

Jqgrid currency format

I have a jqgrid, its option :formatter => "currency" It is converting number 5 as $5.00, but this is a credit amount …

jquery jqgrid format currency
Formatting RSA keys for OpenSSL in Java

Background RSA key generation with OpenSSL on Linux using the command, openssl genrsa -out mykey.pem 1024 created the following: "-----BEGIN …

java format openssl rsa pem
Format float in golang html/template

I want to format float64 value to 2 decimal places in golang html/template say in index.html file. In .go …

go format go-html-template
Why am I receiving IllegalFormatConversionException in Java for this code?

I am currently working on a code that takes data from the network and print it out on a JTextArea. …

java string format jtextarea
How can I encode a video to h264?

I am trying to send a video file using GNUradio, specifically using GRC. In order to do this I am …

video format h.264 gstreamer gnuradio
get number of day in javascript date object

//27 <- today day number new Date().getDay() = new Date().getUTCDay() //<- 5 (friday)? what? Do I have to parse …

javascript date format yahoo
SGEN failure: An attempt was made to load an assembly with an incorrect format in VS2008

I was able to find several similar questions asked and answered, but none of the answers or exact conditions applied …

visual-studio-2008 format mixed-mode web-reference sgen
display an octal value as its string representation

I've got a problem when converting an octal number to a string. p = 01212 k = str(p) print k The result …

python format octal
Opening a wave file in Python: unknown format: 49. What's going wrong?

I try to open a wave file with the wave module, but I keep getting the same error whatever I …

python format wave
Methods for limiting the Rails render format to html

I have a Rails 2.1.2 site that only has html templates e.g. jobs.html.erb, so when I request a …

ruby-on-rails rest format mime render