Top "Format" questions

It may refer to text formatting, content format, file format, document file format, etc.

Delphi DBGrid Format Display Values

I need to format values in a DBGrid to display in a certain format ex '#,##0.00'. Any idea how …

delphi format dbgrid
Set the color of one cell based on the color of another cell

What I would like to have is: IF A1 in Sheet 2 is blue Then A1 in Sheet 1 changes to blue …

excel vba format excel-4.0 xlm
Qt: format an integer in a QString

I would like to format an integer in a QString. I would like to always have 6 numbers. For example "1" should …

c++ qt integer format qstring
Oracle to_date function. Mask needed

I have string of date from xml file of such kind: '2010-09-09T22:33:44.OZ' I need to extract …

oracle format mask to-date
Setting a DBGrid column format in Delphi

I am using a DBGrid component in Delphi. I wonder how I can set the format of a column. I …

delphi format currency lazarus dbgrid
Notepad++ and regex: how to UPPERCASE specific part of a string / find / replace

i've been trying for some time now to get this working, but i can't find a solution to this task …

regex text format notepad++ uppercase
how to load the private key from a .der file into java private key object

I'm writing a java program to import private keys from files within the file system and make a private key …

java format bouncycastle pkcs#8
linux command wc output format

I need to write a perl that mimic linux command wc exactly(including and especially output format), while having realized …

linux command format wc
Number format a decimal in Birt reports

I have a table which gives me values in Nos. and Decimal (weight-kg) E.g.10.455 Kg ( that is 10 Kg and 455 …

java mysql format report birt
Theme manipulation in ggplot2: altering x and y grid lines

Is it possible to manipulate the spacing and size of dashed and dotted grid lines in ggplot using the themes? …

r format ggplot2 gridlines